Saturday, December 30, 2017

My 2017 in Quotes

photo by Kyle Glenn
I think that there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives. - RJ Palacio
Appreciation is very important but sometimes it's something we forget to do. I have to admit, I'm guilty of this. I made sure to say thank you at all times this 2017 but sometimes I forget to really appreciate and to be more genuine.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde
All of us face challenges in life but some of us are aiming high, despite of the struggles we have, we strive to remain positive and focus in achieving our goals. I may have lost sight of my goal in the early months of this year but I remembered them again around the middle of the year and I've been trying to hold on to them and taking the steps to achieve them.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do. - Helen Keller
I've been practicing positivity in my life and it helped a great deal in my life. Being optimistic helps me to not be overtaken by negativity and bad thoughts. To not look back at the past and to face life forward.

If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later. - Richard Branson  
Grab the opportunities that are given to you, they are rare and fleeting. There are so many times that these come to me but I usually avoid them because I get afraid of not being able to accomplish them because I do not know how to. I'm still in the process of learning and I've come to realize that we will never actually know how unless you try to do it.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses. - Alphonse Karr
Sometimes, when we see things in a different perspective, we learn to be more happy in life :)

What quote describes your 2017?

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sea of Strangers by Lang Leav | Review

This is the first poetry book I read by Lang Leav (aside from the few poetry in Love & Misadventure my friend read to me, the quick pages I scanned in book stores, and the book Sad Girls) and I wasn't disappointed. 

It contained the words of heartbreak, love, and life. A mix of prose and poetry yet I enjoyed the prose the most because they really bring out the emotions in you. 

However, I slowed down reading in the middle of the book because some of them were quite repetitive and they sort of reminded me of poetry I'd see in my Facebook feed (don't get me wrong, I like some of them which is why I still follow the pages) but it did achieve staying in my mind as I try to sleep at night, her words were so relatable, simple, and raw.

This made me want to buy her previous books and not just read it on book stores. I would recommend this to people who enjoy reading modern poetry, Rupi Kaur, Atticus, and many more.

 Meant to be
If they were meant to be in your life, nothing could ever make them leave. If they weren't, nothing in the world could make them stay. 

Rating: 3/5
Genre: Poetry 
Goodreads and Amazon (available January 9, 2018) 

Many thanks to Lang Leav, Andrews McMeel Publishing, and NetGalley for providing me a copy in exchange of an honest review. 

Have you read any of Lang Leav's works? What did you think of them? What are your favorite poetry books?

Saturday, December 2, 2017

5 Thought-Provoking Short Films

I was watching in YouTube yesterday, going through music videos to trailers to vlogs and to travel videos, until I arrived to the short films. Eventually, I moved to Vimeo because they had more quality shorts which were easy to find (staff picks!! though make sure to visit the recent ones too because some are hidden gems.)

I've picked out five films I really enjoyed the most and that also got me thinking about life, I really recommend watching them! I've added a few descriptions and thoughts because I don't want to give away what happens in the story. I watched these without knowing what was going to happen and I think that's the best way to do so.

So in no particular order (you may click the title to be directed to the short film on Vimeo): 

Eggplant by Yangzhi She 
A very beautiful animated short film. It tells a story about a boy who was born with facial expressions that deliver the opposite of what he's truly feeling. This made me tear up because I could feel what he felt about what others thought of him, how what he does isn't the "norm" to society. Through this, I realized how being different is what makes each of us beautiful.

Trial by The Brothers Lynch
The transitions in this short are gold!! (Especially the mirror scene, really amazed how it transitioned at that part.) It shows the story of a paralyzed soldier who was offered an opportunity to transfer his mind to a new body.

Lifeline by Sam Jones
One of my all time favorites, Lifeline! I've previously written about this a few months ago which can be read here, but I'm mentioning it again because it's something really worth it to watch! This film portrays how a desperate mother will do anything for her son and how she puts her morality to a test. MUST WATCH.

Dissonance by Till Nowak
I really like how this film was a combination of live action and animation, a really stunning work of art! This is about a talented musician and how his world blurs between his imagination and reality.

Happiness by Steve Cutts 
So sad and yet absolutely true! If you have five minutes to spare, this is something I'd recommend you to watch, it is a film that shows what the world is turning into nowadays. At the end you'd ask, what does happiness really mean?

Have you watched any of these short films? What did you think of them?

What are your favorite films?

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Jazz Music Starter Pack

A stack of vinyls, Photo by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, I was going through playlists in Spotify in search of a genre that would fit my mood, and I stumbled across a playlist that included jazz and blues music. This led me to continuously listen to a lot of them, and I am really loving it! 

Don't get me wrong, I've heard at least one here and there before but none of them really captured my interest. I want to share five songs that caught my ears as I first listened. There are a hundred more songs that I love but these are some songs that I listened to before I ventured even more deeper into this genre. 

1. Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra 

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a Jupiter and Mars

2. La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong

When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom

3. Mack the Knife by Bobby Darin

This song is really interesting! It may seem like an upbeat song but it turns out the lyrics are about a murderer. 

Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe

Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
So there's never, never a trace of red

4. Everybody Loves Somebody by Dean Martin

Everybody finds somebody someplace
There's no telling where love may appear
Something in my heart keeps saying
My someplace is here

5. Mr Sandman by The Chordettes

Mister Sandman, bring me a dream 
Make him the cutest I've ever seen
Give him two lips like roses in clover
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over

Do you have any jazz music recommendations? What kind of music do you listen to?

Friday, November 17, 2017

My Younger Self Gave an Advice to My Present Self

Photo by Konstantin Dyadyun on Unsplash

There was a point in my life when I feared being happy, nervous of what may come my way. I like to think that I'm happy most of the time. Although there's always this thing in the back of my head that warns me that if I become too happy, the negative or sad events will come to me right after. The only light that keeps me going was it's opposite, on when you're sad or feeling very down, sooner or later the smiles and the new fresh air to breathe in will come. 

After a few months of this going on in my head, I came to realize that it was just natural. Obviously, you can't be happy forever nor be continuously sad. It was plain logicI think life is like numbers, odds and evens. They always go alternately.

Just awhile ago, I was scrolling through my social medias until I realized I haven't touched my Wattpad account for so long, it's been more than a year actually. After multiple guesses of what my password could be, I got in! The first thing I went through was my drafts, since I've unpublished all my works before I went on hiatus and while I was reading each of them, I was so surprised, I don't even remember writing them. Reading each chapter that I wrote was a suspense for me and the last I've written would be a cliff hanger.

There was this particular chapter I wrote in one short story that truly surprised me most of all, it was written in a text message style and it gave me the words I've needed to read all this time.

"People  say that when you laugh a lot, you'll cry later on."
Sent 10:18 pm.

I watched as the words Thale sent through a text message burned through the screen of my phone. I thought about what he meant, and I typed my reply carefully.
"What do you think?"
Sent 10:20 pm.

"It's Fate's game. When you're too happy, things will go downhill later on. It's like, the universe is mocking us or something. What do YOU think?"
Sent 10:25 pm.

"I believe it's what reminds us that we are human and we can't have perfect lives, but we can live a great one instead. Think of a concrete wall, without holes or cracks, no lights would come in. The holes may represent the problems we face, but because of these, they give us the opportunities to actually see and get to know ourselves better and maybe even get to meet new people."
Sent 10:39 pm.

"That's  a long message ;)"
Sent 10:40 pm.

"Haha. Who started the subject? ;)"
Sent 10:42 pm.

"But what if it's a big hole?"
Sent 12:47 am.

"Even better. It'll be more brighter."
Sent 1:13 am.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

5 Valuable Things I've Learned at 16

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Today marks the day of my seventeenth year! I've honestly enjoyed being sixteen so much and yet it flew past by me without me knowing it. This year has made me go through a lot of experiences that let me gain so much new knowledge. Before I say farewell to sixteen, I decided to think back through everything and pinpoint out all the most memorable lessons God has given and blessed me with.

1. You're not too young or too old.
Of course there are situations when this isn't applicable but there are also times I feel like I'm too young or not well experienced to do something, to take those steps that I have a passion for. Like writing which I stopped doing because I fooled myself into believing that I stopped because I lost my interest in it, and yet the real reason is my lost motivation and my constant convincing to myself that I'll just do it in the future. Like creating a short film which I postponed for so long after watching a lot by others that made me doubt myself, thinking that I'm a broke student who couldn't afford any gear or software for me to create a great one. I learned to try and create first steps, it might not be immediately great, but it'll get there eventually.

2. Its okay to repeat clothes.
I used to think that my wardrobe was empty (sometimes I still do) and I came to realize that it's actually filled with mountains of clothes, I just wanted something new. I always craved for new shirts or pants even when I had a lot before me, and that's not healthy. It came to me that I don't have to wear the same outfit twice in a row, yet I can make the most of what I already have, try out different ways to style it and create an entirely new outfit.

3. Don't be afraid to be alone.
I stayed at home most of the time, sprawled on my bed, and my devices in my hands. I didn't go out unless I go out with friends, buy groceries with my mom, or walk my dog. If I want to go to the mall or anywhere else, I always drag my mom with me. It didn't come to my mind that I was like this until my mom pointed it out, asking why I couldn't go out to enjoy myself, by myself. As of this month, I've went out twice and I loooved it. Getting a sundae for myself or strolling around in the streets or taking a break in the park or just having time with myself. Alone time can be quite essential in our lives, not just one where we stay in our homes, but out our comfort zones. 

4. Say thank you.
I have quite a funny experience with this, because I've gotten so used to giving my thanks that in almost everything, I say thank you. Like when someone accidentally bumps at me, "thank you!" or when I hold open the elevator while other people are entering, "thanks!" People would look at me funny and I'd be trying so hard not to face palm myself at those times. Which leads me to tell you guys that mere thank yous aren't enough. I learned to  use it in a daily basis yet not in a way that I don't hear myself anymore, rather, still have my sincerity in those words.

5. Don't be lazy to walk your dog.
As much as I love my dog, walking her at night (since she takes short walks both morning and night) is something I'm always too lazy to do. What I didn't know was how I overlooked the importance of this to our dog, Shara, and how much it means to her. This situation can be related to other circumstances. Not doing something out of laziness because it doesn't benefit you in any way is not how the world works. You can never do anything alone, at some point, you'll also need the help of those around you. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

3 Must Reads for October | 2017

Photo by Yulia Chinato (unsplash)

It's the month of October and I believe reading Zombie Novels would be a great thing to do, it goes along quite well with the Halloween atmosphere. If you haven't already known, I'm a huge enthusiast for anything zombie. I've read a number already and I thought that I should definitely share my favorites with you guys before the month ends. 

1. World War Z by Max Brooks - Most of you have probably already heard of the movie but I must tell you that it has a completely different plot. Not only that, but most of the characters that appeared in the film aren't in the novel. The book doesn't follow one single narrative throughout, instead, it is a collection of interviews with different people who survived the zombie apocalypse. 

Goodreads: The Zombie War came unthinkably close to eradicating humanity. Max Brooks, driven by the urgency of preserving the acid-etched first-hand experiences of the survivors from those apocalyptic years, traveled across the United States of America and throughout the world, from decimated cities that once teemed with upwards of thirty million souls to the most remote and inhospitable areas of the planet. He recorded the testimony of men, women, and sometimes children who came face-to-face with the living, or at least the undead, hell of that dreadful time. "World War Z" is the result. Never before have we had access to a document that so powerfully conveys the depth of fear and horror, and also the ineradicable spirit of resistance, that gripped human society through the plague years. 

Ranging from the now infamous village of New Dachang in the United Federation of China, where the epidemiological trail began with the twelve-year-old Patient Zero, to the unnamed northern forests where untold numbers sought a terrible and temporary refuge in the cold, to the United States of Southern Africa, where the Redeker Plan provided hope for humanity at an unspeakable price, to the west-of-the-Rockies redoubt where the North American tide finally started to turn, this invaluable chronicle reflects the full scope and duration of the Zombie War. 

Most of all, the book captures with haunting immediacy the human dimension of this epochal event. Facing the often raw and vivid nature of these personal accounts requires a degree of courage on the part of the reader, but the effort is invaluable because, as Mr. Brooks says in his introduction, "By excluding the human factor, aren't we risking the kind of personal detachment from history that may, heaven forbid, lead us one day to repeat it? And in the end, isn't the human factor the only true difference between us and the enemy we now refer to as 'the living dead'?" 

2. The Gathering Dead by Stephen Knight - Those who loves books with intense zombies and the military, you must definitely pick this up. Lots of military jargons, however, you'll come to understand it along the way. I like that it was fast paced and had tension throughout the novel. I don't really like 'smart' zombies because I really don't like the ones that run for some reason, but this one has great twist along it.

Goodreads: The Horde Is Always Hungry... 

The zombie apocalypse has begun, and Major Cordell McDaniels is given the most important mission of his career: lead a Special Forces team into New York City to rescue the one man who can stop the ghastly virus that reanimates the dead. 
But as a growing army of flesh-eating corpses takes over the streets and a violent storm renders airborne extraction impossible, McDaniels struggles to find a way out of the Big Apple. The odds of anyone getting out alive plummet further when slaughtered members of his own Special Forces team join the ranks of the gathering dead... with their military skills intact! 

3. Escaping the Dead by W.J. Lundy - This is my first ever zombie book and a great start as well. Unlike the books previously mentioned, the author uses simple words and less jargons which makes it an easy read. The second book gets better than the first which leads me to think that this is simply an introduction to the real story. I also heard that the writer created his notes and ideas while he was deployed to Afghanistan, and is still a serving Veteran in the US Army! 

Goodreads: The radio goes quiet while on convoy in Afghanistan, a lost patrol alone in the desert. 
With his unit and his home base destroyed, Staff Sergeant Brad Thompson suddenly finds himself isolated and in command of a small group of men trying to survive in the Afghan wasteland. The local population has been afflicted with an illness that turns them into rabid animals. They pursue him and his men at every corner and stop. 

Struggling to hold his team together and unite survivors, he must fight and evade his way to safety. 

I would also like to apologize for the three months of absence here in the blogging community. School and procrastination have taken a great deal of my time :( What have you read this October?

Friday, June 30, 2017

June favorites and other highlights. | vol. 5

This is supposedly a highlights of the day/week/month post but most of the points here are just current favorites, nothing really significant happened this month. Aside from school starting last June 5, and it is currently my fourth week in school and there is already so much to do that I do not really have time to do anything else. 

1. We moved a few days ago. Although, our new place is just a few streets away from our previous one. Right now, it is filled with boxes. According to my mom, we have approximately 86 boxes, luggages and containers. Unboxing them is a horror to come.

2. I have been YouTube hopping and found vloggers who I am loving so much. First, Hi I'm Mimi. I discovered her after seeing her cover of City of Stars (a soundtrack from La La Land) which was recommended to me by YouTube and I wasn't disappointed, I love it so much, along with her other original songs. To be honest, she is my aesthetic, her videos are really creative. 
Second, Amelia Gething. I discovered her after searching for compilations and I found her really hilarious. Her vlogs are awesome, she somehow has the ability to always make me laugh. (I have to mention that she is soooo pretty, she looks like Anne Hathaway to me.) 

3. I knew Seafret since way back then but I never really checked out all their songs, I usually just listen to a couple of my favorites. This I regret because after searching them in Spotify (I am not a premium subscriber so I can't skip or pick songs, a bummer,) the first song that played was Something in the Air and it lifted my spirits, I like it so much. Another song I am recently liking is Do Do Do by Dansu, I think I found this because it was an intro song to one of the vlogs I was watching. It has that catchy old-ish vibe. Until now, the song is playing in my head!

4. I actually got a fidget spinner. For 150 pesos (about $3) in the shade of pink. I honestly don't know what made me want to get one but I just felt like it. I heard it can help you stop fidgeting and maybe focus a bit? That it can relieve you of nervous energy and stress, correct me if I am wrong. I like spinning it, however, it isn't helping me focus at all. Rather, I get distracted and mesmerized by the spinning, haha. I am trying to learn some tricks (because why not :'>) and I shamefully boast that I can toss it to the other hand back and forth. Just that. Yet. 

5. Homeworks. Projects and requirements, a lot of them.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

I forgive you.

I believe the three words I forgive you are just as very beautiful like the words I love you.

I remember walking around the mall last April with my mom, we were looking for casual sandals. My mother was trying some on and I was scrolling through my phone when I received a message from a close friend of mine on Snapchat.

She told me of something bad she did to her friend and she was asking me what I thought about it and asked for advice on what to do. I didn't know what to say, honestly, I was new to this kind of problem (which I will not be able to share due to personal and privacy reasons.) The most surprising part was that, the person she did wrong to, wasn't aware of this at all. There was also another person involved. 

I suggested her to first reveal her mistake to her friend and apologize. At first she hesitated, worrying about what the reaction will be. And so, my friend questioned me if I didn't mind her practicing on me what she will say to her friend.

Of course, that is when I knew it was me.

I sort of laughed at the first few minutes because this was such a cliche thing to do. After a moment, it dawned to me. I confirmed from her if it was indeed me and I received that dreaded reply of "Yes."

I have known this friend for years now so we are really close. All I asked from her was to explain to the other person involved in this situation, and that was all I needed. Surprisingly, I wasn't mad, I didn't feel any anger towards her. So I said, "I forgive you."

Afterwards, I felt even more lighter than I already did.

That was when I learned how the sentence I forgive you is such a powerful one, it could do magic! I am not kidding. Forgiving is very essential in our lives. These thoughts of resentment and hatred will forever haunt us and be a burden when they occupy our minds. We could release them by forgiving, and with that, we will have more peace within us.

Forgiveness isn't something you do for the person who wronged you; It's something you do for you.

Monday, June 5, 2017

I didn't know about podcasts and i regret it.

I didn't know this actually existed and now I am thankful it does. I discovered Podcasts on the first day of June. I was swiping my home screen left and right, having nothing to do (lies actually, I was really just lazy to do anything else) and noticed this purple thing titled Podcasts. It is one of the apps already included in the iPhone, so I wasn't aware of it at all.

So I clicked it and waited for a few minutes before realizing why the screen was still blank except for the bottom part, my data wasn't turned on for this. I quickly redid my settings and opened the application once again.

I am not sure how to describe my reaction after seeing its content. Quite speechless, maybe.

Now if you sadly happen to be like me who didn't have any idea about what it is, a Podcast is a digital audio file which you can download or subscribe to. For me, they sort of seem like audio blogs?

I absolutely love this because I could listen to it while doing something else at the same time! I even coincidentally discovered this right after watching some YouTube videos and wishing I could download mp3 formats of those instead so that I wouldn't waste so much of my time.

After a couple of days, I have made my list of favorites.

1. Now this is actually more on self help and advices. This motivates me so much in different aspects of my life. I really recommend this. They can also be found in YouTube.

2. Author Audience. I found this because I was searching for tips on writing. I have heard other podcasts, their tips are very helpful but they didn't quite capture me like this one did, because in here, the speaker Shelley Hitz not only gives you encouragement to write, but also includes spiritual inspiration.

3. TedTalks. I mean, come on, most of us know this. I really like them because I can learn so much about different things, it is so informational that I am really loving it. It is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. 

Do you have any favorite Podcasts?

Friday, June 2, 2017

Why i stopped writing.

Photo by Oliver Thomas Klein

I asked this a million times to myself, to be honest. Now, I'm glad to say I posses the answers. I haven't ended writing completely, as you can see, this blog is still up and running. But when it comes to other things, I just have this huge writer's block that hindered me from writing my book for almost a year. I try, however. From time to time, my notebook would be in front of me and I would try to focus, yet I just can't seem to wrap my finger around my pencil, nor mind on the story.

Trust me, months of thinking made me aware of the possible reasons. 

Slowly, I'm trying to get through each of them. I know deep down that writing is my passion and I don't want these little things to prevent me from sharing the stories that rest in my heart and mind.

1. Lack of confidence. I always have the thought of never being good enough. When I read books, instead of letting it motivate me, it lowers my self esteem, telling me that my works aren't great enough. I clearly know my writing skills aren't on point and most of my stories lack depth. What I realized was that, I'm missing out on practice. These great, amazing writers weren't born with the skill immediately! They learned it. Although maybe some are, but obviously, not all are blessed with this gift.

2 & 3. Laziness. Not only am I lazy at writing, but pretty much with everything else as well. I have to work on my procrastination. I know that this isn't doing me any good but I still do it. This is where stubbornness comes in!

4. Distraction. I have to admit, after I wrote that sentence before this, I actually stopped, grabbed my phone, and was scrolling through my social media. After I got a new phone (thank you tita Joanne!), I am always with it. Now I'll go in depth with this topic on a future post, since I had a post about "Living without a phone." which can be read here, I think I'll have to make another one all dedicated about living with a phone, haha.

I got this  idea of finding out what's causing this major writer's block and maybe with this, I could put a stop to it. 

In order to diminish a problem, we all have to know the problem, we have to acknowledge it, in order to find the solution.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

On basketball and doses of evil | vol. 4

1. Playing basketball with my mom and titas (aunts.) It's been going on for quite a few days and it's very very fun!

2. I've been listening to the song Congratulations by Post Malone and I am supeeerrrr loving it. I can't help but sing and dance along with it. I am also liking Terror Jr (discovered this one through snapchat, the song Come First was playing in one of the filters) and 11:11, both having electro vibes. Lately, I love listening to rap. But I usually just listen to Eminem and Ali 未来.

3. I renewed my passport because it was expiring soon. My mom was with me and we sort of had a hard time with the application form because a lot of the words there were in kanji and we couldn't read most of them. Thankfully, someone assisted us. I really need to learn how to read and write nihonggo, I'm adding this to my goals this year.

4. I recently finished the book Wonder by RJ Palacio and I really loved it. I honestly was searching for a romance YA book just for a fun read, this book is far from romance but totally showed inspiring friendships. 

I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse.

August (Auggie) Pullman was born with a facial deformity that prevented him from going to a mainstream school—until now. He's about to start 5th grade at Beecher Prep, and if you've ever been the new kid then you know how hard that can be. The thing is Auggie's just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, despite appearances?

I also read Nimona by Noelle Stevenson (a graphic novel/comics) and it was SO ADORABLE. I loved the artwork and the story itself, it contained the perfect mix of humor, friendships, and add in a little dose of evil! I totally recommend this for a fun entertaining short read. 
Nimona is an impulsive young shapeshifter with a knack for villainy. Lord Ballister Blackheart is a villain with a vendetta. As sidekick and supervillain, Nimona and Lord Blackheart are about to wreak some serious havoc. Their mission: prove to the kingdom that Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin and his buddies at the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics aren't the heroes everyone thinks they are.

But as small acts of mischief escalate into a vicious battle, Lord Blackheart realizes that Nimona's powers are as murky and mysterious as her past. And her unpredictable wild side might be more dangerous than he is willing to admit. 

5. Footnote, by basketball I meant the game in facebook messenger, haha!

Monday, May 22, 2017

6 Weird habits most of us have

I've been noticing some weird habits I'm doing lately. Most of them are quite common, I told them to some of my friends and they said they totally relate! So I made a list and here it is,

1. Creating arguments with people in my head (with me winning, of course) and making myself hate them for a short period of time because of that conversation I totally made up. Now this habit I really want to lose. I hate arguments, unless they're short and only for some fun, maybe. Although, sometimes I do like debates but I get tired most of the time.

2. Thinking of a response waaaay too late. Like, I would have this conversation with someone. A few hours later, home and on bed, a much more clever responses to our topics would pop in my mind. 

3. Wrinkling my nose. I didn't know I actually did this until I suddenly had this spontaneous idea of videoing myself of which embarrassing reason I will not share, and I noticed I did it often, probably about ten times per minute. Only to lift up my glasses, it kept slipping down and I was too lazy to use my hands. 

4. Loving a song so much and eventually getting tired of hearing it in a few days time. I'm not even kidding when I say my preferences change every single day, sometimes I'll like this, then that, and then this again.

5. I 'try' as much as possible to refrain from saying curse words. However, that rule  is overlooked when I sing songs that have such words. 

6. Using 'like' in most of my sentences. "Like, this is so cool. Like, I'd totally get this product. Like, I'm tired of using this word."

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

On food trucks and adorable drawings. | vol. 3

1. I saw a pretty view of the sky as I was walking one late afternoon and I fell in love with the striking colors of pink and blue, though I wasn't really able to capture it the way I saw it. Or maybe I was just having a good day. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

2. Had a hangout with a close friend of mine in Greenbelt, it was loads of fun. It had been so long since we last had a proper talk face to face. My only regrets is wearing heels, by the end of the day my feet were so tired I almost gave up halfway on my walk back home.

3. Saw this cute La Lola food truck and I just had to picture it because its a rare sight to see them in my place. I love their churros, especially the classic ones.

4. Went to my friend's house today and saw this adorable drawing (from an old school project of hers) of me and three of our other friends. I was really touched to see this because I don't really see this particular bestfriend of mine as much as I would have wanted to. However, we still strive to keep in touch (we've known each other for about 10 years now, it's amazing), and this just honestly surprised me!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Art in the park.

I have recently been to an art fair called Art in the Park that took place in Velasquez Park in Salcedo Village, Makati City, Ph. last April 2, 2017 (okay, maybe not so recent.) This is quite near my place and I happened to pass across a banner that indicated this event.

Since 2006, Art in the Park has gathered together a diverse group of galleries, art schools, independent art spaces, and collectives for the country's most significant affordable art fair. An annual event organized by Philippine Art Events, Inc. for the benefit of the Museum Foundation of the Philippines in it's mission to create awareness for the National Museum and its network.

My mom and I decided to go around 5 in the afternoon after I did some research about it and found that it was open until 10 pm. 

Photos are blurry because they were only taken by my phone :(

The first stop was this sort of boat. I got really fascinated looking at this because it had hands under and a headless body as its passenger. I mean, why not? The first thought that came to my mind about its message was that in order to move, we need to experience some hardships and develop teamwork. Even without eyes, when the destination is in our hearts, we would be able to get there. Or something like that. What do you guys think?

This was one of my favorites. Especially the hanging fish. With the help of the breeze , it moved around and it really looked like it was swimming!

Not only do they have those, but as expected, there were paintings as well. Almost all kinds of art were included in the fair. Prints, photographs, sculptures, new medias, and paintings.

They also sell in affordable prices, PhP 50,000 (about $1000) and below.

We actually wondered how this would last till late at night, because obviously, the place would be really dark by then. Turns out, our worries were for nothing. They had a lot of lights hanging around that gave the place a pretty ambiance. The fairy lights were cute and matched the place too.

They also had a number of food stands and gave out free cocktails. 

Eventually, we got tired and got Chillz from a nearby Mini Stop and returned back to sit down on one of the benches the park offered.

Although we weren't able to purchase any artwork, it was a fun experience to look and appreciate the exhibits. We will definitely come back here again next year.
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